
Documents Commands

  • Version: 1.8.1
  • Official Verified

OpenBots Command group containing OpenBots Documents commands.

OpenBots.Commands.Documents \ Get Document Status Command

Command: Get Document Status Command

This command retrieves the current status of the document being processed. It can wait for the document's completion.


Task Id

Task Identifier that was provided while submiting the document.


Await Completion

Define if the activity should wait until the document processing is completed. Defaults to False. Awaiting queries the service for status every 10 seconds until completed.


Timeout (Seconds)

Specify how many seconds to wait before throwing an exception.


Output Document Status Variable

Create a new variable or select a variable from the list.


Output IsCompleted Bool Variable

Create a new variable or select a variable from the list.


Output HasError Bool Variable

Create a new variable or select a variable from the list.


Output IsCurrentlyProcessing Bool Variable

Create a new variable or select a variable from the list.


Output IsSuccessful Bool Variable

Create a new variable or select a variable from the list.


Private (Optional)

Optional field to mark the command as private (data sensitive) in order to avoid its logging.

Remote (Optional)

Optional field to mark the command as remote in order to execute it on a remote machine.

Error Handling

Optional field for how to handle errors encountered.


Comment (Optional)

Optional field to enter a custom comment which could potentially describe this command or the need for this command.
